Articles (peer-reviewed) - Under Review or In Preparation
- Díaz‐Fernández, J., Calvo‐Sancho, C., Bolgiani, P., Sastre, M., López-Reyes, M., Fernández-González, S., & Martín, M. L., (2024). Effect of complex orography on numerical simulations of a downburst event in Spain. Atmospheric Research. Under review.
Articles (peer-reviewed) - Published
Pantillon, F., Davolio, S., Avolio, E., Calvo-Sancho, C., Carrió, D.S., Dafis, S., Gentile, E.S., González-Alemán, J.J., Gray, S., Miglietta, M.M., Patlakas, P., Pytharoulis, I., Ricard, D., Ricchi, A. Sanchez, C. & Flaounas, E. (2024). The crucial representation of deep convection for the cyclogenesis of medicane Ianos. Weather and Climate Dynamics.
López-Reyes, M., González-Alemán, J.J., Calvo-Sancho, C., Bolgiani, P., Sastre, M., & Martín, M.L. (2024). Remote Interactions Between Tropical Cyclones: The Case of Hurricane Michael and Leslie’s High Predictability Uncertainty. Atmospheric Research. Atmospheric Research.
Montoro‐Mendoza, A., Calvo‐Sancho, C., González‐Alemán, J. J., Díaz‐Fernández, J., Bolgiani, P., Sastre, M., Moreno-Chamarro, E., & Martín, M. L., (2024). Environments conducive to tropical transitions in the North Atlantic: Anthropogenic climate change influence study using the EC-Earth3 model. Atmospheric Research.
Martín, M.L., Calvo-Sancho, C., Taszarek, M., González-Alemán, J.J., Montoro-Mendoza, A., Díaz-Fernández, J., Bolgiani, P., Sastre, M., Martín, Y. (2024). Major Role of Marine Heatwave and Anthropogenic Climate Change on a Giant Hail Event in Spain. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(6), e2023GL107632.
Díaz-Fernández, J., Calvo-Sancho, C., Bolgiani, P., González-Alemán, J. J., Farrán, J. I., Sastre, M., & Martín, M. L. (2024). On the Precursor Environments to Mountain Lee Wave Clouds in Central Iberia under CMIP6 Projections. Atmosphere, 15(1), 128.
Calvo-Sancho, C., Quitián-Hernández, L., González-Alemán, J. J., Bolgiani, P., Santos-Muñoz, D., & Martín, M. L. (2023). Assessing the performance of the HARMONIE-AROME and WRF-ARW numerical models in North Atlantic Tropical Transitions. Atmospheric Research, 291, 106801.
Calvo‐Sancho, C., Bolgiani, P., Subias, Á., Sastre, M., González‐Alemán, J. J., & Martín, M. L. (2023). Horizontal kinetic energy analysis of tropical transition simulations with the WRF and HARMONIE‐AROME models. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 149(756), 2655-2677.
Calvo-Sancho, C. Quitián-Hernández, L., Bolgiani,P., González-Alemán, J.J., Santos-Muñoz, D., and Martín, M.L. 2023: Assessment of HARMONIE-AROME in the simulation of the convective activity associated to a subtropical transition using satellite data, Atmospheric Research.
Calvo-Sancho C., Díaz-Fernández, J., Martín, Y., Bolgiani, P., Sastre, M., González-Alemán, J.J., Santos-Muñoz, D., Farrán, J.I., & Martín, M.L. 2022: Supercell Convective Environments in Spain based on ERA5: Hail and Non-Hail Differences, Weather and Climate Dynamics. [pdf]
Calvo-Sancho C., González-Alemán, J.J., Bolgiani, P., Santos-Muñoz, D., Farrán, J.I., & Martín, M.L. 2022: An Environmental Synoptic Analysis of Tropical Transitions in the Central and Eastern North Atlantic, Atmospheric Research. [pdf]
Bolgiani, P., Calvo-Sancho C., Díaz-Fernández, J., Quitián-Hernández, L., Sastre, M., Santos-Muñoz, D., Farrán, J.I., González-Alemán, J.J., Valero, F. & Martín, M.L. 2022: Wind Kinetic Energy Climatology and Effective Resolution for the ERA5 Reanalysis, Climate Dynamics. [pdf]
MSc Thesis
- Calvo-Sancho C., 2021: Caracterización de los ambientes convectivos en España: exploración y evolución en el período 1979-2019 mediante reanálisis ERA5, MSc in GISc - University of Zaragoza
- Calvo-Sancho C., 2020: Caracterización supercelular en España: resultados preliminares, MSc in Meteorology - University of Barcelona